KMS Actors Will Dabble in Mystery Theater This Weekend


Alex Petropavlovskiy/KMXT

This weekend the Kodiak Middle School Drama Club will take the stage in the production of Nancy Drew: Girl Detective. More than 20 students have been working on the play since early March. Director Jared Griffin said in a press release that the play was chosen for its variety of characters, including flamboyant villains, and required students to memorize quite a few more lines than other young adult plays.
KMXT’s news intern, Alex Petropavlovskiy, caught up with some of the young thespians during rehearsal this week to learn a little bit about their budding acting careers and what it took to get ready for the production.
The play will open Friday at 7 p.m. in the Gerald C. Wilson Auditorium Drama Pod. There will be a second showing on Saturday at 2 p.m.

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