No Sign of Bear, Svoboda Says

Brianna Gibbs/KMXT

Earlier today KMXT told you about the missing bear in the Spruce Cape and Woodland Acres area. Fish and Game officials were warning folks to keep an eye out for the bear, which went missing after being shot at Monday night by a resident in the area.
Kodiak Area Wildlife Biologist Nathan Svoboda said the bear was likely hit, and fish and game and Alaska State Troopers spent most of Tuesday following a blood trail trying to track down the wounded bear.
As of Wednesday afternoon the bear had yet to reappear anywhere and Svoboda said it’s likely it left the general area after being injured or may have died somewhere. He said they are still encouraging folks to be alert and notify fish and game of any bear sightings, but there haven’t been any reports within the last 24 hours.
If someone does spot the wounded bear, or any bear in residential area for that matter, they should call fish and game, the Alaska Wildlife Troopers or the Kodiak Police Department.

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