Monashka Creek, Bay Closed to King Angling

Jay Barrett/KMXT
Effective tomorrow, sport fishing for king salmon is closed in the entire Monashka Creek drainage and in the waters of Monashka Bay a line extending from Miller Point to Termination Point. That word today from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game Sportsfish Division in Kodiak.
The Monashka Creek drainage supports an enhanced run of king salmon, and fish returning there are used by the Alaska Department of Fish and Game as a brood source for hatchery-rearing chinook salmon.
The department’s annual broodstock goal is a minimum of 50 spawning female and 50 spawning male kings. Over the past decade, at least 50 percent of the goal had been met by June 25th, but as of Wednesday, no king salmon had yet returned.
This closure prohibits all sport fishing, including catch-and-release fishing, for king salmon. Kings may not be possessed or retained, and any caught incidentally while fishing for other species may not be removed from the water and must be released immediately.
In addition, only one unbaited, single hook artificial lure may be used in the waters of Monashka Creek which otherwise remain open to sport fishing.
Fishing opportunity may be restored by subsequent emergency order if king salmon returns to Monashka Creek indicate that brood source collection goals will be achieved.

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