Dunbar Finishes First Pro Tour

Jay Barrett/KMXT
Kodiak runner Trevor Dunbar just completed his first professional running tour of Europe with largely positive results. In his first two races he set personal bests, but finished with a disappointing performance in his third race, despite winning it.
Dunbar ran his second sub-four-minute mile in Dublin, finishing in 3-minutes 57-seconds. He then completed the 3,000-meters in Cork in 7-minutes 45-seconds.
On Saturday in Belgium, Dunbar won the B-, or second-tier 5,000 meter race in 13-minutes 39-seconds, which is 13-seconds slower than his P-R he set last month at the NCAA track and field championships. By comparison, the winner of the A-tier race won in 13-minutes 6-seconds.
Now a pro, Dunbar recently inked a deal to be represented by Flynn Sports Management, which negotiated a sponsorship deal with Nike. Dunbar will remain in Eugene, Oregon, to train with the university’s distance coach.

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