As Opponents Founder, Treadwell Shows Fisheries Knowledge


Jay Barrett/KMXT
The three Republican candidates for U.S. Senate squared off in a forum produced by Bethel public radio station KYUK Thursday morning. The forum used pre-recorded questions from several other public radio stations around the state, including one sent in by KMXT’s Jay Barrett: Here’s the short segment of the forum devoted to the fisheries question and the candidates’ answers with host Ben Matheson.
You can hear the entire hour-and-a-half debate between Mead Treadwell, Joe Miller and Dan Sullivan online at
The traditional fisheries debate during Kodiak’s ComFish this year was cancelled when not all the Republican senatorial candidates could fit it into their schedule. The new date for the forum is tentatively set October 1st, when there will only be one of them left in the race against incumbent Senator Mark Begich.
The gubernatorial candidates will face off on fisheries issues in three weeks, and KMXT will also broadcast it live.

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