Primary Election Day in Alaska


Voting place directions in Bell’s Flats. Brianna Gibbs/KMXT photo

Jay Barrett / KMXT
Today is primary election day in Alaska. Voters will go to the polls to choose the participants in November’s general election, as well as decided whether the oil tax reduction passed by the legislature should be repealed.
In House District 32, which includes Kodiak, the Republican candidate for Alaska State House will be determined. The winner amongst Rich Walker, Louise Stutes and Carol Austerman will face Democrat Jerry McCune in November.
Statewide, candidates from each party for governor, lieutenant governor, U.S. Representative and U.S. Senator will be chosen.
Polls opened at 7 this morning and will remain so until 8 p.m.
KMXT will have results on the air and online as they come in tonight after the polls close. Here’s a link to the State Division of Elections website where you can track them online.

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