Republican Senatorial Candidate Skipping Kodiak Fisheries Debate

Jay Barrett/KMXT
Alaska Republican candidate for U.S. Senate Dan Sullivan has told organizers that he is skipping the senatorial fisheries debate scheduled for October 1st here in Kodiak. It’s the second time Sullivan has dodged the fisheries debate – it had to be rescheduled from around ComFish time to October because he couldn’t make it then.
Fish Radio’s Laine Welch, who the Kodiak Chamber of Commerce contracts with to organize the event, reported in her Fish Factor column Monday that Sullivan was not coming. She wrote that Sullivan campaign manager Ben Sparks told debate organizers that his candidate does not have any prior commitments, but that he’s just too busy.
Democratic Senator Mark Begich said he was surprised and disappointed upon hearing of Sullivan’s exit, saying the fisheries debate is a “must-do” for statewide candidates.
During the rural debate produced by KYUK public radio in Bethel, Sullivan did not seem familiar with the federal fisheries questions asked. He has also refused to participate on a debate in Southeast on Native issues.
The fisheries debate will go on, said Trevor Brown, executive director of the Kodiak Chamber of Commerce. He said Begich will be here, and hopefully, other third party U.S. Senate candidates. He said he is also trying to line up U.S. House candidates Don Young and Forrest Dunbar.

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