Sullivan Now On for Kodiak Fisheries Debate

Jay Barrett/KMXT
Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, Dan Sullivan has changed his mind about coming to Kodiak to participate in the Kodiak Chamber of Commerce fisheries debate. That word from his campaign staff this morning.
Spokesman Mike Anderson said his candidate will attend and is looking forward to the debate, scheduled for October 1st. He said that Sullivan recognizes the importance of Alaska’s fisheries, and that the campaign has rescheduled a swing through Southwest Alaska to ensure that he could make the Kodiak debate.
Anderson said that Sullivan “looks forward to a healthy exchange of ideas with Mark Begich on the future of Alaska’s fisheries, and is excited to attend the debate in Kodiak.”
Since Tuesday when it was announced he was skipping the fisheries debate, Sullivan had come under almost continuous attack from his opponent, incumbent Democrat Senator Mark Begich, who described the Kodiak event as a tradition among Alaska statewide candidates.
Sullivan has been unavailable for comment this week. Today, Anderson said, he is in Marine Corps Reserve training and unavailable to speak to the change of heart.
The two-hour debate will feature candidates for the U.S. Senate in the first hour, and candidates for the U.S. House in the second. Incumbent Republican Representative Don Young and Democratic challenger Forrest Dunbar have both confirmed that they will attend. It will be broadcast on KMXT, and made available statewide through the Alaska Public Radio Network.

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