High School Nearing Occupation


Jay Barrett/KMXT

At last week’s Kodiak Island Borough Board of Education meeting, the district’s director of facilities, Greg Hecker, gave a brief report on the progress of the Kodiak High School’s new addition.

“We’ve been assured that the scheduled time lines that have been brought forward are holding," he said. "So we’re still looking at getting in the school on or about December 10th, for a moving-in over Christmas break.”

As the most visible part of the school, its southwest face, nears completion, Hecker said the inside is nearing completion.

"The fourth and the third floor are essentially complete. 98 percent, final punch list and cleaning is about all that’s left for those two floors," he said. "So it’s moving along. It doesn’t look like it from the outside, but hopefully we’ll get staff in there soon.”

The next phase will begin in the new year, when the addition that includes the front entrance will be started.

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