Small Comes Up Big at 4-A Wrestling Championships

Jay Barrett/KMXT

The Kodiak High School Bears had three wrestlers in the championship matches at the State 4-A championships in Anchorage over the weekend, coming away with a first and two seconds.

At 126 pounds Kodiak senior Jay-Ar Small got a takedown with 30-seconds left to beat Colony’s Chace Booth to win 3-2.

At 132 pounds, senior Levi Fried was trailing by only one point in the third period before South’s Gavin Alvarado pinned him with a minute-32 left.

And at 220 pounds, Kodiak senior Nolan Wandersee lost to Palmer’s Ben Button 9-to-2.

As a team, the Bears were fourth with 115 points. Colony won the team title with 264 points, followed by South with 255.5 and Wasilla with 227. Lathrop rounded out the top five.

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