‘Choose Respect’ March on Saturday in Kodiak

Kayla Desroches/KMXT

You may see a group of people marching downtown on Saturday. And you may want to join them. 


The Kodiak Women’s Resource and Crisis Center has scheduled its annual Choose Respect march for 11am that morning. Part-time Outreach Coordinator, Lauren Humphrey, describes the goal of the event.

“To bring awareness to domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse, bullying, any kind of violence in our community and to get people to stand up and support preventative tactics and education to prevent this in our community.

Marchers will begin with a short walk downtown starting from the Sun’naq Tribal Center and then circling back around. An assembly will follow where attendees will hear several speeches, eat cake, and view related art. 

Outreach Coordinator Sandra Wilkins says the march and the organization are both inclusive.

“We’re hoping also to raise awareness about the type of people that we serve. It’s not just for women. I know the name is a little deceiving, but we want to make sure that male community members feel supported by us as well.”

To learn more about the Kodiak Women’s Resource and Crisis Center, you can go to kwrcc.org or call them, 486-6171.

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