Get Your Art Fix at February’s First Friday Art Walk

Kayla Desroches/KMXT

With some careful planning, you may fit all of this month’s First Friday Art Walk events into one night. What’s the first step in achieving that goal? Making sure you can leave your workplace or classroom by 5 o’clock. That’s when Kodiak Art Council program coordinator, Erin Starr-Hollow, says exhibits open.

“We have the altered book art show coming up, which opens Friday night. We have an Alutiiq artist, Vickie Era, at the Alutiiq museum. She’ll be demonstrating weaving techniques. Kelly Armstrong is at the FlyBy, Woven Time at the frame shop.”    
And, for those unfamiliar with altered books as a craft…

“It’s an art piece that begins as a book. It might take just the pages, it might have just the spine. It’s really just a mixed media project that starts with a book. And the altered book group decided to join forces with Galley Tables on themes, so the theme is ‘where the wild things are.’”

You don’t have to rush from the Altered Book Show to Galley Tables in order to grab a spot on the storytelling fest’s infamously long line. The book show is in the Gerald C. Wilson Auditorium Foyer, right outside the drama pod where Galley Tables takes place. That means you get to admire the creative entries on your way in.

And if you submit an altered book yourself, you have a chance to win a prize.

“Prizes are coming in from the different organizations. The Kodiak Public Library Association, Kodiak Public Library, and the Kodiak Arts Council are contributing little, quirky things. I know we have a couple of altered art books and a library set and a cancellation card book bag. Just some fun things. Some coffee cards.”

And if you can’t get enough of Kodiak’s art scene, you can book tickets to see a concert Sunday featuring Jake Shimabukuro.

“He is the rockstar of the ukulele world. He’ll do some popular songs. He does a couple of covers by Daft Punk and Adele and then he has a really famous version of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody, and then he also does Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah, in addition to a lot of Hawaiian classics.”

That event will be at the Gerald C. Wilson Auditorium at 7 p.m. You can book tickets on the Kodiak Arts Council website.

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