Kodiak College Registration Ongoing

Kayla Desroches/KMXT

Now is the time for students to consider registering for classes if they plan to enroll at Kodiak College this coming semester. The last day to add classes for the fall semester is September 9, which gives students plenty of time to browse the catalog of courses or even to consider enrolling.

Assistant Director for Academic Affairs, Jared Griffin, says many students use the college as a stepping stone.

“Our mission is to help support them. One, to help them get college ready. To help them get university ready. And then to give them those general education classes that they’re going to need as that foundation for their bachelor’s degree, whatever their bachelor’s degree or graduate degree is going to be in.”

Students range from recent high school graduates to mothers looking to return to higher education, and the associate degrees cover a variety of subjects. Like English.

Griffin, who is also a professor at the college, will be leading a few English classes, including one that incorporates science.

“One of my favorite classes to teach is I teach a science writing class. It’s writing in the natural and social sciences, and I never did well in science in high school, but I love reading about science. I don’t think I could really do science, but I love reading about science.”

He says it familiarizes students with the language that different scientific disciplines use to talk about their subject matter.

“Sometimes, every now and then I pick certain themes. One year I kind of did physics, and so we looked at a whole bunch of writings about physics. In the past couple of years, it’s been focused more sociological or anthropological about Alaskan coastal communities.”

He says, for instance, they read an ethnography about Ouzinkie and Old Harbor.

You can enroll in that class and find out about others by checking out the Kodiak College website.

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