Six Applicants Line-up for Vacant Assembly Seat

logo-w-sunburstKayla Desroches/KMXT

When he became borough mayor, Dan Rohrer left an open Kodiak Island Borough Assembly seat behind him, and the assembly has a number of applicants to choose from to fill that seat.

Two of them ran for the positions that Scott Smiley and Matt Van Daele won at the recent election. They’re Ocean Beauty plant manager James Turner, who was a write-in, and volunteer firefighter Monique Lewis.

There are now six different people running to be assembly member. They’re fisherman and former city councilman, Terry Haines, Larsen Bay Mayor David Harmes, substance abuse counselor and director of Island Cove Adult Day Program, Jonathan Strong, and shop manager and contractor Dave Townsend.

The interviews, appointment, and oath are all scheduled for an assembly special meeting next week. According to a letter from the borough clerk, applicants may be asked to leave the room while the other interested individuals speak with the assembly, and they may go into an executive, or private, session. The special meeting will be next Thursday.

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Creator: Cynthia Christman Copyright: NOAA Fisheries Service, AFSC, Natl Marine Mammal Lab

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