Daniel Mckenna-Foster joins the Kodiak City Council

Daniel Mckenna-Foster is sworn in as a member of the Kodiak City Council. (Photo by Mitch Borden/KMXT)

Mitch Borden/KMXT

The Kodiak City Council was left with a seat to fill after councilman Gabe Saravia submitted his letter of resignation in April. He left big shoes to fill since he had served on the council for the past 15 years, but at the recent city council regular meeting his replacement was announced.

Daniel Mckenna-Foster was sworn in last Thursday to serve in Saravia’s place until the city’s municipal election in October. Mckenna-Foster currently works for the Kodiak Island Borough in its community development department as an associate planner.

One of the things Mckenna-Foster would like to work on while he’s on the council is creating a better system to keep Kodiak residents up-to-date on what the city is doing.

“I’ve always thought that it would be really easy for the city to connect with citizens better by sending out [email] updates when there’s going to be a meeting. It’s a super easy way for people to know what’s going on.”

Mckenna-Foster says he wants to hear from city residents about their concerns at any time and the best way to reach him is through his city email address.

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