Alaska Fisheries Report – Aug 9, 2018


The Yes for Salmon initiative passes a major hurdle and will appear—in part—on the November ballot.

Togiak’s sockeye run may have been slow but it broke a new record. And while fishing is winding down in Bristol Bay there’s a lot going on elsewhere.

Including a problem with over-escapement into Cook Inlet rivers. Yes, that’s too many fish up the rivers.

And finally, Wild Salmon Day is Friday.


We had help from Elizabeth Harball of Alaska’s Energy Desk, Austin Fast at KDLG in Dillingham, Jay Barrett from KDLL in Kenai, Laine Welch at Alaska Fish Radio.

Be safe fishing. We—and your family—wants you to come home safely.

As always a big thank you to everyone who helps make this program possible each week—including our listeners and all the radio stations that air our show.

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