Alaska Aerospace CEO to retire in June 2018


Craig Campbell is CEO of Alaska Aerospace


Craig Campbell, who has guided the development of the Alaska Aerospace Corporation the past seven years, will retire at the end of May, 2019.

Dr. Robert McCoy, the chair of the corporation’s board of directors announced Campbell’s retirement Monday in a press release. Campbell is Alaska Aerospace’s Chief Executive Officer.

Alaska Aerospace Corp. CEO Craig Campbell. Photo courtesy

McCoy said Campbell was instrumental in leading the transformation of Alaska Aerospace during some “extremely tumultuous” times.

McCoy credited Campbell for returning Alaska Aerospace Corporation to profitability without state funding support. Alaska Aerospace is a state-owned corporation established to develop a high-tech aerospace industry in Alaska.

“We are a much stronger company today with a more secure future, because of Craig’s vision and leadership,” McCoy said.

Campbell expressed appreciation to the board of directors for “leadership and steadfast backing” of the corporation’s effort to radically change the structure and relationships of Alaska Aerospace.

During his tenure, the Narrow Cape facilities has been rebuilt, and more recently, the Pacific Spaceport Complex – Alaska was established to offer orbital and sub-orbital rocket launches.

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