Salvation Army Kicks Off Holiday Projects on Black Friday


Many Kodiak families struggle with food. Donate food at Salvation Army Thrift Shop.

To sign up for a few hours of bell ringing this holiday season, call 486-8740.


Thanksgiving is next Thursday.  Some say it’s hard to believe it’s here so early.

Some wonder where they will find the time to get the big family feast together.

And some in Kodiak are wondering where they will get the food to feed their family and children on this special day of feasting.

The Salvation Army runs a local food bank where those who need help can get food. Major Dave Davis says many in town could use a helping hand.


“What we do is we beef up our Salvation Army food bank bag the week before Thanksgiving and then the week after Thanksgiving we make them a little bigger than normal.”


Anyone wanting to help feed families may drop off food at the Salvation Army Thrift shop.

For much of the country, the day after Thanksgiving is Black Friday, one of the biggest shopping days of the year.

Volunteers have been ringing the Salvation Army Christmas bells since long before the phrase Black Friday became common. The day after Thanksgiving kicks off the Salvation Army’s ubiquitous Christmas fundraiser.


“The day after Thanksgiving is when all our Christmas programs start. The bell ringing, the coat drive, the toy drive, food drive. Everything starts the day after Thanksgiving for us.”


The black kettle has its origin in seafaring days when hungry sailors were fed from a giant kettle on the dock. It transitioned into donating coins to purchase goods. And now, many years later, it is used to make Christmas better for people needing a helping hand.


Davis spoke with KMXT during Tuesday’s Talk of the Rock program, which is posted on our website. During the program someone called in a message to encourage people to volunteer to ring bells. “You’ll be amazed at the generosity,” they said. Plus, “You’ll feel good.”


To donate a few hours of bell ringing this holiday season, call 486-8740.


CLICK HERE for full interview with Major Davis.




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