Alaska Fisheries Report — Dec. 27, 2018


            It’s not unusual for long-line Cod fishermen pull up a whole line of partially eaten fish. The reason? Cod yummies for killer whales. Now fishermen have a new tool that looks promising in the fight to keep whales off their fish.

            We have more on the changes at the top of the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.



And we finish up with a report on the community of Wrangell pitching in to honor those lost at sea with a permanent memorial.



We had help from Aaron Bolton at KBBI in Homer, Nat Herz from Alaska’s Energy Desk, and June Lefler at KSTK in Wrangell. We also had help from Alyssa Madrid here at KMXT in Kodiak.

Here’s an idea, why not make a New Year’s Resolution to stay safe while fishing? Live vests save lives. And they don’t have to be bulky, clunky things.

 Make a promise to do everything you can to stay safe while fishing in 2019. Your friends and family will be thrilled to hear it.


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