Alaska Fisheries Report – May 2, 2019



We look at mixing zones, the Clean Water Act and an effort to loosen pollution standards in salmon streams.

A new book being published this month tells the story of the salmon canning industry and includes wonderful color photos of old, historic salmon can labels.

And we finish up with a story of two guys who did everything right to help rescuers find them. The end result—a happy reunion with their families on the tarmac at Air Station Kodiak. We share tips on what to do to increase your chances of being found and rescued.

We had help from Jacob Resneck with Coast Alaska in Juneau and Joe Viechnicki at KFSK in Petersburg.

Whether you fish commercially, sport fish, or fish for subsistence, remember life jackets really do saves lives. So does letting someone know where you are going and when you’ll expect to be back.



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