On the agenda: tonight’s Borough Assembly meeting

There will be a Borough Assembly meeting tonight at 6:30 pm in Borough Assembly chambers.

On tonight’s agenda are three public hearings. One will address Assemblymember Scott Arndt’s proposed ordinance about the use and development standards for accessory dwelling units. Another hearing is to consider moving the Near Island Research Court Apartments, also known as Kodiak Fisheries Research Center dorms, to their own enterprise fund. According to staff, a separate enterprise fund would make accounting for operations costs and income generation from the apartments more transparent.

Finally, fireworks are coming up again for a hearing, this time in Assemblymember Rebecca Skinner’s proposed amendment to borough code that would prohibit the use of fireworks year-round at Mill Bay Beach.

The assembly will also be considering a resolution to call and reissue revenue bonds associated with building the Providence long-term care facility, in order to save the borough upwards of $270,000.

These items, along with the rest of the agenda, can be found on the borough website under meeting info. As always, there will be time for public comments at the beginning and end of the meeting. The call-in number for public comments is (907) 486-3231.

KMXT will broadcast the meeting live at 6:30 pm.

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