Assembly to decide Deputy Presiding Officer at Thursday regular meeting

The Kodiak Island Borough Assembly meets this evening to consider a number of business contracts and resolutions.

A public hearing is set for a proposal to transfer the location of the El Chicano liquor license.

The borough is expecting to receive $136,000 in fish tax revenues from the state, but first the assembly must approve a resolution regarding the tax. That is one of two resolutions being considered tonight.

Kodiak Island Borough offices. (Photo by Kavitha George/KMXT)


The other makes changes to the borough’s animal impound fees by eliminating wording that no longer applies, and by officially adopting the fee schedule that is already is use.

Under New Business, one of four contracts being considered tonight is the renewal of an agreement for lobbying services from Hickey & Associates, which represents the borough in Juneau, and when dealing with State of Alaska issues.

The assembly will also vote to elect a Deputy Presiding Officer.

As usual, there is also time set aside at the beginning and end of the meeting for the public to comment on any issue not covered by a scheduled public hearing.

KMXT will broadcast tonight’s regular assembly meeting live beginning at 6:30, which will necessitate a slight change in our evening’s programing.

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