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Record mail-in voting in Kodiak

With less than two weeks to go until the 2020 General Election, Kodiak is on pace to send a record number of absentee mail-in ballots.

For November’s election, the Alaska Department of Elections sent 2,300 ballots to Kodiak voters.

As of Tuesday this week, Kodiak voters have already returned almost 750 ballots.

That’s nearly as many as the total 810 Kodiak mail-in ballots submitted in the 2016 general election. For that election, only 900 absentee ballots were sent to Kodiak voters.

As of Wednesday, only two mail-in ballots have been rejected.

Kodiak voters are following in step with the rest of the state and nation. The Department of Elections sent a record 115,000 ballots to Alaskans, and have already received 44,000 ballots back. Nationwide, a record 42 million Americans have already voted.

If you have a mail-in ballot, it must be postmarked on or before Election Day: Tuesday, November 3rd.