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Coast Guard medevac man 70 miles northwest of Saint Paul

Coast Guard helicopter drops off Kodiak Island Search and Rescue Team member dropped off on beach of Tugidak Island
Coast Guard helicopter drops off Kodiak Island Search and Rescue Team member dropped off on beach of Tugidak Island

A man was medevaced by the Coast Guard approximately 70 miles northwest of Saint Paul, Tuesday.

The 43-year-old man was lifted by an MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter crew from Air Station Kodiak at 12:25 PM. The Coast Guard duty flight surgeon recommended a medevac for the Chief Engineer of the fishing vessel Frontier Spirit, who was experiencing abdominal pain.

The man was transferred to medical services personnel in Saint Paul Island for further transport to Anchorage. Watchstanders directed the Jayhawk aircrew from Forward Operating Location Cold Bay.

Weather conditions at the time of the rescue were 20 mph winds, 25-foot seas and 10-mile visibility.