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As COVID presents new challenges to small businesses, Frame Shop rises to the challenge

COVID-19 has thrown the traditional rules of commerce out the window, so the Frame Shop is writing a new rule book.

“We have experienced with this because we are a gallery and frame shop so I knew what was coming in the winter time,” Sarah Culbertson of the Kodiak Frame Shop said. “And we started planning this kind of curated show idea about two months ago, two or three months ago, I had it in the back of my mind throughout the summer.”

The Frame Shop had a series of online shopping events facilitated over Facebook last week to make it easy and safe for people to shop online, while still having limited in-store events.

“All of our customers have been completely great about helping us keep us safe. You know, we have not had one person try and come in without their mask on,” Culbertson said. “Everybody has been happy to make appointments for our first event, we really encouraged the appointments because we only wanted five people coming through at a time for these next two events. It’s kind of spread out throughout the week.”

These events will be ongoing tomorrow 11-6 for the Holiday Bazaar, celebrating local artists and supporting their work during the pandemic.

“We’re doing Facebook Live walkthroughs during the week, Tuesday through Friday, every night at 6pm so people that want to look from home can kind of follow us around the shop and if they see items messaged us and we can do contactless purchasing with them,” Culbertson said.

Those interested in learning more can do so at the Frame Shop’s website or Facebook page.