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COVID Update Reader 08/31/2021

Today (Tuesday) the Kodiak Emergency Operations Center reported sixteen (16) new cases of COVID 19 for the Kodiak Island Borough.

Two (2) cases are close contacts of previously reported cases, four (4) cases are travel related, and ten (10) cases are classified as community spread.

Ninety -six (96) cases are currently classified as active locally. There are no active cases currently hospitalized in Kodiak.

To date, one thousand six hundred seven (1607) cases, sixty-nine (69) local hospitalizations, and five (5) deaths have been officially associated with COVID 19 for the Kodiak Island Borough.

A mask mandate is in effect for public indoor activities.

Residents are encouraged to stay home if ill, even if you have mild symptoms. Keep your distance from others whenever possible, and wear masks where appropriate.

If you wish to be tested for COVID 19 contact your medical provider, Kodiak Community Health Center, or Kodiak Area Native Association.

Vaccinations are available in Kodiak. Contact your health care provider or pharmacist if you would like to be vaccinated.

The EOC Public Information Office can be contacted at:
