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Kodiak COVID Case count rises, with several cases confirmed on visiting Cutter Midgett

This week, 53 new COVID-19 cases were reported in the weekly COVID update published by the Kodiak Emergency Operations Center. Last week, the EOC reported 7 new cases total.

Kodiak city officials say 26 crewmembers from the Coast Guard Cutter Midgett tested positive for the virus as of Wednesday. Their testing was conducted by the Kodiak Area Native Association clinic, and factor into the local case rate. The sick crew members were removed from the vessel and are currently in quarantine on the Coast Guard base.

The Coast Guard Cutter Midgett has been tied up in city port for about a week. The Coast Guard Pacific Area confirmed Wednesday that the COVID-19 outbreak was the cause of the extended visit. The Coast Guard would not comment on the planned duration of its stay, but did say the ship was following the onboard pandemic plan.

Legend-Class cutters like the 418-foot Midgett are some of the largest vessels in the Coast Guard fleet. They occasionally make their way up to Alaska for security patrols or to participate in Operation Arctic Shield.

According to social media, the Kodiak Coast Guard Spouse’s Association delivered baked goods to the cutter on Christmas Eve. The Cutter Midgett is based in Honolulu, Hawaii.