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City rescinds boil water notice issued on Christmas

Public Works staff worked Christmas until the issue was resolved early morning on the 26th. (Courtesy of Matt Van Daele)
Public Works staff worked Christmas until the issue was resolved early morning on the 26th. (Courtesy of Matt Van Daele)

The boil water notice for residents in Antone Way, Otmeloi Way, Parkside Drive, and Cliffside Road originally issued Dec. 25 ended Dec. 27, according to the City of Kodiak’s public works department.

While the affected area falls inside the borough, the city’s public works department manages the water mains from Monashka Bay areas down to Gibson Cove.

The department first issued the notice Monday evening after a car lost control on the ice and struck a fire hydrant on the corner of Antone Way and Rezanof Drive. The issue was resolved early Tuesday morning, and has since passed tests with the state’s Department of Environmental Conservation’s Drinking Water Program.