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Alaska razor clams. (Jenny Neyman/KDLL)
Jenny Neyman/KDLL
Researchers are monitoring a bloom of phytoplankton near one of Kodiak Island’s beaches that is known to cause paralytic shellfish poisoning, or PSP. PSP can be dangerous and even fatal.
Midday Report
  • On today’s Midday Report with host Terry Haines: The federal government announced on Thursday that it’s requiring the state to update its water quality standards. A thunderstorm struck Juneau recently. And Researchers have linked warming ocean temperatures to more salmon showing up in the Western Canadian Arctic.
Talk of the Rock
Alaska Fisheries Report
  • An aerial view of the rust-colored Kutuk River in Gates of the Arctic National Park in Alaska. Thawing permafrost is exposing minerals to weathering, increasing the acidity of the water, which releases metals like iron, zinc and copper.
    Credit: Ken Hill / National Park Service
    This week on the Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines: Andy Lusk of KUCB tells of Aleutian mayors and their appeal to the federal government for help during a fish market crisis, Katherine Rose reports on the Sitka Assembly backing halibut bycatch caps for KCAW, KDLL's Ashlyn O'Hara on yet another lawsuit over the Cook Inlet EEZ, and rusting rivers are the focus of a story by KOTZ's Deseree Hagen.