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BREAKING NEWS: Crab Festival rescheduled to August due to coronavirus crisis

BREAKING NEW:  Due to coronavirus concerns the Kodiak Crab Festival will not be held in May but is rescheduled to Aug. 19-23.

Click arrow to listen to interview between KMXT’s Maggie Wall and Sarah Phillips, who is the Executive Director of the Kodiak Chamber of Commerce.

Or you can continue below to read the Chamber’s press release announcing the rescheduling of Crab Festival.

Following is a press release from the Chamber of Commerce, posted as received, with minor editing.

Sarah Phillips, Kodiak Chamber of Commerce Executive Director. KMXT Photo/Maggie Wall.
KODIAK, ALASKA, 04/02/2020 – After significant consideration, the Crab Festival Committee has determined that Crab Festival 2020 will NOT be cancelled, but instead rescheduled for August 19th-23rd 2020. The 2020 Theme is “Sea What Matters” – in that spirit, we know the safety of staff, volunteers, vendors and attendees is what matters most.

As you are aware, Crab Festival draws tourists from both State and National regions. As a “global” event, the committee simply couldn’t examine only local factors. The decision to re-schedule was not easy and assessed realistic state and nationwide safety requirements and how long those requirements could be expected to continue. While we continue to hope that restrictions have been eased by the end of May, we understand that large gathering opportunities will experience slow initiations; limiting the possibility that Crab Festival would have even be permitted to be held.

The Crab Festival Committee acknowledges that there is no “perfect” date to hold the re-scheduled Crab Festival. The new August 19-23rd dates were determined by considering ferry schedules, local school schedules, and other statewide events. We regret that we can’t accommodate better for much of our fishing and Coast Guard transferring community. We truly appreciate all that you sacrifice to keep Kodiak strong!

Regarding the frequently asked question “will the rides be here?”, Golden Wheel Amusements (ride provider) has indicated that they will not be able to participate with the re-scheduled dates. Alternate options are being considered. The Committee will be reaching out to other ride and inflatables companies to determine viable options. If rides/inflatables are not able to be guaranteed, Crab Festival is likely to be combined with the well-received Venture-Thru-Vehicles. Venture-Thru-Vehicles was first held in Kodiak last year and celebrated the working vehicles of Kodiak by inviting the community to come tour different vehicles, honk horns, and run sirens.

While 2020 looks significantly different than any of us could have anticipated, we are committed to bringing the fun back to Kodiak! Stay safe and be well!

Sarah Phillips

Kodiak Chamber of Commerce

Executive Director

If you would like more information about this topic, please call Sarah Phillips at (907) 486-5557, or email ChamberDirector@Kodiak.org