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Scandies Rose hearing day 2: Morning summary

Approximately 43 separate witnesses, including the survivors, other professional mariners and officials from a number of government agencies, are scheduled to testify over the next two weeks. CREDIT COURTESY OF BRET NEWBAKER
Approximately 43 separate witnesses, including the survivors, other professional mariners and officials from a number of government agencies, are scheduled to testify over the next two weeks.

The Coast Guard’s F/V Scandies Rose hearing continued today, beginning with testimony from Noelle Runyon of the National Weather Service in Anchorage. She was asked about how weather phenomena like freezing spray are forecast, how her office took feedback from mariners, and on the weather during the night of the sinking. She stated that the weather was typical of a strong storm.

Ed Ehler of Lovrics Seacraft also provided testimony. He had done drydock work on the F/V Scandies Rose. He was asked questions on maintenance and repairs the vessel had been through, as well as the condition of the vessel, which he described as “better than most.”

The hearing then called on Erling Jacobsen, a maritime surveyor. He was asked what he made of the crew and the vessel’s condition; he said the condition of the Scandies Rose was excellent. He also said he thought highly of Scandies Rose’s Captain Gary Cobban. He is to be questioned further after a lunch recess.

The Scandies Rose sank on New Year’s Eve of 2019, around 10 p.m. shortly after leaving port in Kodiak. Five of the seven crew were lost. The vessel sank just south of Sutwick Island.