Maggie Wall
The following press release, which outlines testing and mask requirements for travelling on the state ferries, was received Wednesday afternoon from the Alaska Department of Transportation. We post it as received with minor editing. This is a breaking story and KMXT will have more information, and an explanation of the rules during local newscast which …
If it were baseball, you’d call the cruise ship season a “shut out.” As of yesterday, there was hope that in the final inning of the cruise ship season, Kodiak would see one cruise ship arrive – the Silver Muse on September 11. But Kodiak’s port agent, Nick Szabo, says he received word Tuesday from …
M/V Tustumena Sailings cancelled from June 27 to July 1 for continuing COVID-19 mitigation The ferry Tustumena won’t be returning to Kodiak on June 28 as scheduled, because all sailings through July 1 have been cancelled for “continuing COVID-19 mitigation,” according to a state DOT press release. Service is scheduled to resume when Tustumena …
By Jacob Resneck at CoastAlaska in Juneau Passengers on Alaska’s mainline ferries are now being required to get a COVID-19 test before traveling. The Alaska Marine Highway System announced a set of new protocols Sunday it says will protect against the spread of coronavirus on its vessels. And with some exceptions, passengers 2 years and …
Salmon season’s off to a slow start around the state. Fishing groups work to squash a rumor about coronavirus and salmon in China. Prices are down for Dungeness crab. We have a report on dungie fishing in Kodiak and in Southeast. And, finally, the Coast Guard could be getting its first new ice breaker in …
Following is press release from the Kodiak Area Emergency Services Organization. KMXT posts it as received, with minor editing. KODIAK, ALASKA, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 18, 2020 We have received information from the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) that there has been another positive test result for COVID-19 in the Kodiak …
The 2020 Alaska salmon season is off to a slow start, but it is too early to draw any conclusions, according to an economist with McDowell Group in Anchorage. Garrett Evridge writes a weekly statewide newsletter that updates salmon harvests for the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute. In this week’s report, Evridge explains that in an …
The following was released by a spokesman for the NCIS [Naval Criminal Investigative Service]. KMXT posts it here as received, with minor formatting changes so it is easier to read. Thanks to Jacob Resneck at CoastAlaska in Juneau for the assistance. “On Saturday, June 13, at around 10:30 p.m., Alaska Daylight Time, an unauthorized …
More and more it seems commercial fisheries news in Alaska deals with the coronavirus pandemic and COVID-19. This week is no exception. Small coastal Alaska towns prepare for swarms of fishermen and others who may bring the highly contagious COVID-19 disease with them from Outside Alaska, or even from other areas of the state. …
The Kodiak Area Emergency Services Organization sent KMXT the following press release on Friday afternoon, June 12 announcing a fourth case of COVID-19 has been confirmed in the Kodiak Island Borough. We post it here as received with minor editing. COVID-19 Banner Kodiak Area Emergency Services Organization KODIAK, ALASKA, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: June 12, …