Maggie Wall
In this newscast: As of Tuesday morning, three people in Alaska had tested positive for the COVID-19 virus, but other test kits are still being determined (From Elizabeth Jenkins in Juneau) Alaska Medical Employees Association called off its strike against Providence today after a tentative agreement was reached with the help of a …
Gulf of Alaska cod loses its sustainability certification. The loss of the blue sticker is not because of poor management. Rather it’s warmer waters which mean smaller fish and fewer young cod in the fishery. Warmer waters are directly related to most recent iteration of The Blob. Now biologists say The Blob may be …
Concerns over the coronavirus has prompted the rescheduling of Alaska’s longest running fisheries trade show. The 41st annual ComFish Alaska, hosted by the Kodiak Chamber of Commerce, will be held in mid-September instead of later this month. KMXT’s Maggie Wall spoke with Chamber Executive Director Sarah Phillips Wednesday night about the change of dates. …
KMXT received the following press release from the Alaska House Speaker Bryce Edgmon a Dillingham Independent. We’ve posted it as received, with minor edits. Alaska News Nightly will have a live update at 6 p.m. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 12, 2020 Speaker: ‘Alaskans are united in the effort to protect the health of …
KMXT received this Health Alert from Alaska’s Chief Medical Officer with protective measures directed toward the general public, employers and employees, for high-risk groups, etc. We have posted it as received, with minor editing. **COVID-19 HEALTH ALERT** Issued March 12, 2020 By: Dr. Anne Zink, Chief Medical Officer, State of Alaska In order …
In this newscast: ComFish Alaska 2020 is rescheduled to Sept. 17-19 due to coronavirus concerns. Kodiak City Council meets tonight at 7:30. Will consider online sales tax and edible marijuana sales in city. The Kodiak Island Borough School District released students early on Wednesday, and again Thursday so staff and teachers can train in how …
The Alaska Legislature on Friday passed a citation honoring Coach Joe Floyd who passed away February 22. Joe and wife Carolyn moved to Kodiak in 1955, when Floyd accepted the job as a teacher and coach at Kodiak High School. The citation lists a long line of sports and other local after-school activities Floyd …
The committee that was tasked with researching and considering options for the possible reconfiguration of local elementary schools has decided against changing local schools. As KMXT’s Maggie Wall reports School Superintendent Larry LeDoux shared the decision with the school board, and the public, at last night’s regular Board of Education meeting. Click arrow …
Last week the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly got a brief education on the coronavirus, COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus, and what is being done locally to protect residents. Click arrow below to hear full segment from Borough Manager Michael Powers on local coronavirus preparations. KMXT’s Maggie Wall has this …
Last night the Kodiak Island Borough Assembly handily dealt with all its agenda items, approved the disposal of property seized for not paying taxes, and authorized two contracts for design work. And as KMXT’s Maggie Wall reports, there assembly had a brief training on the coronavirus. Click arrow to listen to report, or …