Alaska Fisheries Report
Latest Episodes
This week KTOO's Alix Soliman reports on the unintended consequences of Limited Entry, Davis Hovey at KMXT on new herring fisheries for Kodiak, and Sage Smiley on a denial of a claim by two tribal consortiums that Bering Sea fisheries management violated the law, from KYUK.
This week on the Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines: Alaska Public Media's Casey Grove talks to the Northern Journal's Nat Herz about the state's ill advised investment in Peter Pan, KMXT's Davis Hovey reports on new fishery disaster declarations, and Alaska Fish and Game has grim news for Kodiak salmon fishermen.
This week on the Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines:This week KFSK's Olivia Rose reports that the Board of Fish has increased the likelihood of a Red Crab season in Southeast, Theo Greenly of KUCB on the Governor's bill that would allow fin fish farming, and Desiree Hagen on a coalition that united to distribute salmon in Kotzebue.
This week on the Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines: The Board of Fish says no way to a herring closure in Promisla Bay, story by KCAW's Katherine Rose, KDLL's Ashlyn O'Hara reports on a clampdown on king fishing on the Kenai and Kasilof, and KUCB's Theo Greenly on the great debate about the rate of chum taken presently in the pollock fishery out in the Bering Sea.
This week on the Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines:This week more action from the Board of Fisheries meeting in Ketchikan, as KCAW's Katherine Rose reports on a lower harvest level for Sitka's herring fishery, and Robert Woolsey tells of new options for Sitka's subsistence sockeye slingers, also from the studios of KCAW.
This week on the Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines:KCAW's Robert Woolsey reports on Board of Fisheries decisions about king salmon access for Southeast Alaska anglers, and the output of the Southeast's salmon hatcheries.
This week on the Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines:KRBD's Jack Darrell reports that the Board of Fish isn't quite ready to open squid fishing in Southeast, The snow crab is starting to flow into Unalaska, according to Maggie Nelson of KUCB, and federal regulators are considering a chum salmon cap in the Bering Sea pollock fishery, story by KUCB's Theo Greenly.
This week on the Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines:KCAW's Katherine Rose reports that the Sitka Fish and Game Advisory Committee is against herring fishing in Promisla Bay after all, The Aleut Community of St. Paul has signed a joint management agreement with the federal government, according to Theo Greenly of KUCB, and Davis Hovey tells of a sped-up fishery disaster system from the studios of KMXT.
This week on the Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines: the Juneau Assembly voted to oppose a Board of Fish proposition to limit Southeast Alaska hatchery production, story by KTOO's Yvonne Krumrey, Kodiak's tanner season has started, according to KMXT's Brian Venua, plus Andy Lusk and Maggie Nelson report on a snow crab processing deal for public radio KUCB, whose Sofia Stuart-Rasi reports about genetic diversity among populations of red king crab.
This week on the Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines:KMXT's Davis Hovey reports on a possible funding boost for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game for KUHB and the Alaska Desk, Patrick Gilchrist reports that Tribes are preparing for possible action on chum salmon bycatch, and Theo Greenly of KUCB reports St. Paul is proceeding with a new plan for conserving its marine resources.