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Alaska Fisheries Report — Feb. 27, 2020

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LOGO Alaska Fisheries Report

Southeast crabbers are on the grounds fishing for Tanner crab, plus there’s a small golden king crab fishery taking place at the same time.

Halibut catch limits are slashed in all but one region—the Western Gulf of Alaska.

Emails between the Pebble Partnership and Alaska Governor Mike Dunleavy show the partnership was concerned about the survival of the controversial gold mine. We have a report that pulls back the curtain to show a side of the Pebble Partnership that’s never made public.

And finally, relief checks to compensate fishermen for the disastrous 2016 pink salmon harvest are slated to go out this week. Some segments, such as processors and workers, should already have their checks. Skippers’ and crew members’ checks are supposed to go out Friday 28th. Given all the delays so far, no one will blame you if you are skeptical.

We had help from Angela Denning at KFSK in Petersburg, Alaska Public Media’s Liz Ruskin and Nat Herz, and Alaska Fish Radio’s Laine Welch.

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