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Alaska Fisheries Report — June 18, 2020

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LOGO Alaska Fisheries Report

Salmon season’s off to a slow start around the state.

Fishing groups work to squash a rumor about coronavirus and salmon in China.

Prices are down for Dungeness crab. We have a report on dungie fishing in Kodiak and in Southeast.

And, finally, the Coast Guard could be getting its first new ice breaker in decades.

We had help from Izzy Ross at KDLG in Dillingham. Davis Hovey at KNOM in Nome. Liz Ruskin with Alaska Public Media. And Alaska Fish Radio’s Laine Welch.

A big thank you to all the listeners of the Alaska Fisheries Report and to all the radio stations that air our program.

For you fishermen, be careful, please follow the COVID rules—for your sake and for those whom you might come in contact with out fishing.

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