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Alaska Fisheries Report 21 March 2024

Sushi chef Kodai Sanada prepares omakase at his eight seat sushi bar in Otaru. During herring season, Sanada will prepare a couple of local Hokkaido herring at each omakase sitting, but he doesn’t typically serve herring egg sushi (KCAW/Rose)
Sushi chef Kodai Sanada prepares omakase at his eight seat sushi bar in Otaru. During herring season, Sanada will prepare a couple of local Hokkaido herring at each omakase sitting, but he doesn’t typically serve herring egg sushi (KCAW/Rose)

This week on the Alaska Fisheries Report with Terry Haines: KCAW’s Katherine Rose takes us on a tour of the Japanese herring scene, Jack Darrell reports that Silver Bay Seafoods will be acquiring Trident’s Ketchikan plant, and a Shelby Herbert dispatch tells of Trident’s sale of its Petersburg properties to E.C. Phillips & Son.

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