Island Byways
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Pink salmon, kids fishing, amazing aurora, and awesome hikes. Life on Kodiak - Alaska's Emerald Isle!
Darker night skies return on Kodiak just in time for the Perseid Meteor showers. Life on Alaska's Emerald Isle!
'Tis the season of pink on Kodiak Island. Summer is quietly moving along as the pink salmon move into the rivers and fireweed blossoms climb higher. Life on Alaska's Emerald Isle.
Fireweed, fledgling birds, and a hike in the forest. Life on Kodiak Island - Alaska's Emerald Isle.
The seasons of summer are flying by - red salmon, pink salmon, and dolly varden are running, wildflowers are blooming, and tidepools are teeming with life. Life on Alaska's Emerald Isle.
Gray, drizzly, cool days and electric blue clouds - life on Kodiak Island, Alaska's Emerald Isle.
Mother Nature shows us why Kodiak Island has earned the moniker "Emerald Isle". Enjoy the many opportunities for live music this week - and of course, Happy 4th of July!
'Tis the season of purple on Kodiak Island - purple iris, beach peas, and more are in bloom. Baby ravens are making themselves heard in the spruce forests. Life on Alaska's Emerald Isle.
Ho, ho, ho - it's finally summer in Kodiak! Reds are swimming upriver, Dollies are swimming downriver - life is good on Alaska's Emerald Isle.
The greening of Kodiak is in full force, bumble bee food is on the way, and The Ken Peltier Band will be in town later this month. Life on Alaska's Emerald Isle.