Kodiak’s Shakesbears will be performing in front of a live audience again tonight; the first return to in-person theater performance in Kodiak since the beginning of the pandemic more than a year ago.
Coach Jared Griffin couldn’t be more pleased.
“Well, these kids need an audience. You know, they’re actors. But that doesn’t mean they’re extroverts. They’re introverts until they get down on that stage. And then that’s the energy that feeds them, that feeds all actors,” Griffin said.
The Shakesbears had an audience of around 100 for an online performance last night, which Griffin said went spectacularly.
“It went perfectly. It was great. couldn’t ask for a better experience. The Kodiak Arts Council set up their streaming equipment and provided support and web support. And we got to use their Vimeo page. And the streaming went perfectly. There were no glitches, the sound was fantastic, video quality, fantastic. The kids were fantastic. I couldn’t ask for a better first run for a live stream performance,” Griffin said.
The Shakesbears will be back again for in-person performances tonight at 7pm and tomorrow at 2pm and 7pm, all at the Gerald C. Wilson auditorium. Seats are filling up, but you can still find some at kodiakshakesbears.ludus.com. Up to four persons can be seated together while following social distancing guidelines; masks are required.