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Talk of the Rock: Nathaniel Garcia with the Anxiety Talks podcast

Generalized anxiety disorder had been with Kodiak resident Nathaniel Garcia a long time. He says he’s struggled with it for years and was finally diagnosed in 2013. But he’s found a new way of addressing it. And he’s produced a podcast, to help others with anxiety.

“A few losses of my life played a factor in me creating this platform. So I figured, you know, we shed light on frivolous things on a daily basis in our personal lives, why not shed some light on something that’s necessary, such as mental health awareness” Garcia said.

Garcia joined KMXT for an episode of Talk of the Rock to discuss his podcast. He publishes it on a Facebook page, GW_Anxiety_Talks, which he sees as a sort of communal space for discussing anxiety.

“So the podcast is a nonjudgmental platform where you can freely come to us, us as in me and the community as a whole, and speak in levels of detail of what it is you’re going through. And we’re not here to judge, because I will be giving you delivery right back of what I’m going through me basically expressing how we deal with it on a personal note, separate. So anyone else listening can chime in and go, ‘Okay, well, he has this technique, I want to try that because I’ve been doing this.’ And vice versa, whoever else is on the cast or listening,” Garcia said.

Garcia shares a number of different techniques he’s learned over the years for dealing with anxiety, and has conversations with guests who also have anxiety disorders. He currently has two episodes available on the Facebook page for the podcast, each at about 50 minutes.

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