The Lowdown
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On today’s episode of The Lowdown, host Mike Wall speaks with Dr. Shana Theobald on Alaska’s increase in Covid-19 cases, looming winter projections, and research towards the cure. Join KMXT for yet another compelling conversation.
Our guests on this edition of The Lowdown, Dr. Shana Theobald- KIACC, Elsa DeHart, NP, DHN and Dr. Curtis Mortenson- KCHC, join host Mike Wall to speak on the astonishing and rising US death toll, social distancing precautions, and the expectations of living in Kodiak through this winter with the continuing presence of Covid-19.
Join host Mile Wall on this edition of The Lowdown, as he speaks with Dr. Shana Theobald and Elsa DeHart, NP, DHN about Covid-19 in Kodiak and what to expect with the reopening of school.
Today on The Lowdown, host Jared Griffin touches on community questions with members of the Emergency Operations Center: Mike Tvenge, Elsa DeHart, Jim Mullican, and Megan Christainsen. Tune in while we discuss everything from handling tsunamis during a pandemic, the most recent airport procedures, seafood industry Covid-19 updates, senior community precaution updates, and exactly what …
Jared talks with Dr. Shana Theobald, Dr. Curtis Mortenson, Dr. Evan Jones, and Else DeHart, NP, DHN about the latest on Kodiak’s cases and their thoughts on the latest research about masks, the science of COVID, and more.
Listen in to Jared’s conversation with Superintendent Larry LeDoux and school district representatives about schools starting September 8, 2020.
Our guests Elsa DeHart, NP with public health in Kodiak, Dr. Curtis Mortenson – KCHC, Dr. Steve Smith – PKIMC, and Dr. Shana Theobald – KIACC talk with host Jared Griffin about convalescent plasma research, Kodiak’s current COVID-19 cases, and more.
Jared and guests Dr. Curtis Mortenson and Dr. Evan Jones discuss the latest research and impacts of COVID-19.
Our guests on today’s Lowdown were Elsa DeHart, DNP; Dr. Curtis Mortenson; Dr. Steve Smith; Dr. Evan Jones; and Dr. Shana Theobald. They talked about a wide range of topics including new virology studies and their concerns about the sharp rise in COVID-19 cases in the state.
Our guests on today’s Lowdown were Elsa DeHart, DNP; Dr. Curtis Mortenson; and Dr. Shana Theobald. They discussed ways for Kodiak to control the spread of COVID-19, the importance of maintaining preventative care regimes during the pandemic, and what concerns them as medical professionals,. All this and more on this edition of The Lowdown.