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The Lowdown
The Lowdown
Latest Episodes
  • During today’s Lowdown, host Jared Griffin talks with Dr. Steve Smith, Dr. Curtis Mortenson, Dr. Shana Theobald, and Elsa DeHart, DNH nurse practitioner with public health about new research regarding airborne transmission of COVID-19 as well as other research and an explanation of Kodiak’s case numbers.
  • We’ve heard from teachers and administrators about the final two and a half months of school this year. Today we heard from three students – telling us first-hand what it was like to suddenly deal with distance learning. Listen to an informative, thoughtful, and entertaining edition of The Lowdown. Our guests for this edition were: …
  • Business-as-usual came to a screeching halt for Kodiak educators, students, and families in mid-March. As we near the midpoint for summer break, everyone is wondering what the upcoming school year will bring in terms of classrooms, sports, and activities. Our guests on this edition of The Lowdown hope to answer some of those questions. Join …
  • Dr. Shana Theobald, Dr. Steve Smith, and Elsa DeHart, DNH with public health talked about some things Kodiak residents can do to keep COVID-19 at bay, how the numbers add up and answer questions from the public during this edition of The Lowdown.
  • Margie Draskovich is a professor of nursing at UAA Kodiak Campus and finishing up her doctorate in Indigenous Studies and Dr. Allison Kelliher, born and raised in rural Alaska, practicing whole-person focused primary care in Anchorage. Today’s discussion was about ways to build your immune system through the food you eat, the way you connect …
  • Today’s guests have been a part of Kodiak’s tourism industry for decades. Hear what they have to say about how the pandemic has impacted their businesses this year and what they see for the rest of this season and next year. On today’s show were Chris and Jai Nan Fiala – Kodiak Island Charters; Jo …
  • What’s it like to teach the arts over the internet? Today’s guests are Susan Gill – KHS art teacher, Laura Beck – choir teacher for KHS and KMS, and Jared Griffin – KHS and KMS drama coach. They talk about how important the arts are to students and how they taught the last 2 and …
  • Today’s guests are Sam Dapcevich, Public Information Officer at Alaska Marine Highway System; and John Whiddon and Aimee Williams with the Kodiak Economic Development Corporation. Sam filled us in on the new COVID-19 testing requirements for the Marine Highway System passengers. Aimee and John talk with Mike about the recent round of CARES funding that …
  • Our guests on The Lowdown today were Dr. Shana Theobald from Kodiak Ambulatory Care Clinic, Elsa DeHart, DNH from Public Health, Dr. Steve Smith from Providence Kodiak Island Medical Center, and Dr. Curtis Mortenson from Kodiak Community Health Clinic. Topics discussed included the latest research on COVID-19, mask use, antibody testing, and more.
  • Mike’s guests Thia Falcone, professor of Sociology at Kodiak College; Robyn Callahan, and Kristopher Hill_McLaughlin present a sociological perspective on the pandemic. They look at how it is affecting social life (here and elsewhere) and theorize on the long-term consequences.