Kodiak Public Broadcasting Corporation is designated a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. KPBC is located at 620 Egan Way, Kodiak, Alaska. Our federal tax ID number is 23-7422357.
This week we hear about a lawsuit between Alaska Aerospace and an aviation insurance group, the Kodiak City Council is hiring a firm to search for its next city manager, Lynn Walker is the Alutiiq Museum's volunteer of the year, St. Herman Harbor needs more financial assistance from state and or federal lawmakers, a recap of what happened with the Chiniak School's water situation, a local protest that was part of state and nationwide ones on President's Day, and a special report from the Kodiak Middle School's 8th grade journalism class.
Davis Hovey was first drawn to Alaska by the opportunity to work for a radio station in a remote, unique place like Nome. More than 7 years later he has spent most of his career reporting on climate change and research, fisheries, local government, Alaska Native communities and so much more.