The latest wave includes firing some NOAA employees at the Kodiak Fisheries Research Center. Staff could not confirm how many people were affected in the state, nor what positions were cut.
The Service Area No. 1 Board hasn't held a meeting since March of 2024 - others like the Monashka Bay Road Service Area, haven’t met for multiple years. That board only has two members and hasn’t held a meeting since March of 2022. Yet borough code requires them to meet at least once a quarter.
“Since I assumed my post in 2021, I made it a priority to service our Kababayans in Alaska,” said Philippine Consulate General Neil Frank Rivera Ferrer. He and his team helped hundreds swear in for dual citizenship, renew passports, and register for overseas voting.
Kodiak’s Maritime Museum has the opportunity to secure a physical space in downtown. That’s thanks to three properties that are being rezoned from residential, R3-multifamily, to business lots.
The Kodiak Island Housing Authority and its partners are requesting the City of Kodiak sell undeveloped land at less than half its assessed value to create a “sweat-equity” housing program.
Fire officials across Alaska are looking to improve fire and fume safety by distributing and installing new smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. According to an email from the Alaska State Fire Marshal’s Office, they’re prioritizing residences with elders, in-home childcare facilities, individuals with disabilities, or low-income households.
Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) are small residences that can be attached to an existing home or stand alone on the same lot as another unit. Advocates say they can add to the available housing stock.
A lack of housing, childcare shortages, and a sharp decline in workforce retention were some of the top issues highlighted at the Alaska Municipal League’s summer legislative conference in Kodiak.
"Almost every school system in nearly every community is at the point where everybody has some basic needs that are being challenged," said Association of Alaska School Boards Executive Director Lon Garrison on education funding in the state.
Aug. 20 marks the primary election for state and federal races in Alaska. On Kodiak Island, voters have until 8 p.m. on Tuesday to choose who they want to advance to the general election in November.
The City of Kodiak is considering overhauling the phone system it uses to accept public calls during City Council meetings. That’s after multiple callers expressed frustration with the call-in system.
By 4 p.m. on Aug. 15 when the two week filing period closed, four candidates each for Borough Assembly, School Board, and City Council registered to be on the ballot in the upcoming municipal election.