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Support KMXT

There are many ways to support Kodiak Public Broadcasting Corporation – from membership to shopping.


By becoming a member, you will be able to vote for the board of directors or be on the board of directors yourself! Your membership donations help us pay for day to day operations of the stations including programming costs, equipment, staff, and more. Choose from a one-time donation or a sustaining membership. Donate online anytime by clicking here.


The Kodiak Public Broadcasting Fund was established to help ensure the future of the organization and continued quality news and services to the Kodiak Archipelago. The Fund is a perfect opportunity to make a contribution that will have a lasting and stabilizing impact on public radio for Kodiak Island. The Fund is managed by The Alaska Community Foundation which oversees funds for several nonprofits and community foundations in Alaska. Find out more about The Fund here.

Legacy Gifts

Leave a lasting legacy by remembering KPBC in your estate planning or by making KPBC a beneficiary of your retirement or life insurance policy. Gifts can be made directly to the organization or, in some cases, to the endowment fund (see above).

IRA Required Minimum DistributionsYour required minimum distribution (RMD) can include charitable distributions to qualified organizations like KPBC. You can make a gift directly from your IRA to KPBC and those distributions won’t be included in your adjusted gross income. Find out more by talking with your financial manager or visiting


Pick.Click.Give. is a way Alaskans can donate part of their Permanent Fund Dividend to nonprofits they care about. You’ll find KMXT-Kodiak Public Broadcasting Corporation on the list of eligible nonprofits. With many causes to choose from, we hope you will consider giving to Kodiak Public Broadcasting Corporation. It’s easy to make a donation when you file online each year for your Permanent Fund Dividend.

Kodiak Public Broadcasting Corporation is designated a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. KPBC is located at 620 Egan Way, Kodiak, Alaska. Our federal tax ID number is 23-7422357.