It’s the Port Lions students’ first time speaking their Native language within school through an Alutiiq Culture class. That includes practicing everything from weather reports to animals and place names in Alutiiq during a livestream.
Communities on the east side of Kodiak Island will be connected to a new fiber optic cable through a project between Old Harbor Native Corporation and Alaska Communications. Two of the communities don't have access to fiber currently.
The ship began service in 1964 and has become an icon for the Alaska Marine Highway System. Kodiak held a block party for her diamond anniversary with officials sharing updates about her replacement.
The truck is being driven by Maria Wood, the youngest in her family at 16 years old. It's her first year driving it and running the business.
Kodiak Island Housing Authority estimates roughly 75 more homes are needed just for families who have household incomes above $100,000. The local housing shortage, and its solution, are multi-faceted.
Kodiak State Parks, under the state Department of Natural Resources, was able to hire more employees for the summer season. That’s despite staffing gaps and high turnover in the last year.
A new television series about Alaska premiered on July 11. It's focused on big brown bears in Katmai National Park and Preserve with narration from a well-known New Zealand comedian and actor.
Based on a recent rental market survey from the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, the median rent in Kodiak this year is $1,450. That’s 20.83% higher than last year’s average rent.
On June 13 the Kodiak City Council committed to sell city-owned lots where at least ten homes could be built, in order to support RurAL CAP’s mutual self-help housing program.
Old Harbor is a village on the southeastern end of Kodiak Island. KMXT Photojournalist Brian Venua visited for a day to learn about the community.
The chair of Friends of Kodiak State Parks said the bookings this summer have been almost nonstop at the Pasersaq or Pasagshak cabin. Now the nonprofit is raising money to build a second cabin.
Currently Island Trails Network is in the process of applying for a federal grant to help pay for the trail. But the nonprofit needs matching funds from the Kodiak City Council in order to do so.