T-Shirts Again Being Given to Cannery Workers


Maggie Wall/KMXT

Kodiak’s processing work force plays a vital role in the local economy and the Kodiak City Council plans to honor the workers during an upcoming meeting.

The "Appreciation Day for Processing Workers" is an idea first developed in Cordova several years ago. It was brought to Kodiak by City Council Member Gabriel Saravia.

Saravia explains:

((Worker T-Shirts 1 1:00 "The idea….different languages."))

Saravia says, right now, all but two local processors have signed on to the plan to provide their workers with the special commemorative t-shirts. He’s hoping to reach 100 percent participation before the city council awards the proclamation at the Thursday August 26th meeting.

Saravia-who works for Western Alaska Fisheries-says he works in the office, and he sees the t-shirts as a great way for the entire town to thank the people who work the lines at the processors:

((Worker T-Shirts 2 :20 "I work in….and our city."))

Saravia adds that several local businesses have pitched in to show their support of the processing crews by picking up some of the costs of the project.

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