Council Approves Emergency Water Main Repairs


Jay Barrett/KMXT

Thursday night the Kodiak City Council approved an appropriation for repairs to the water main on Rezanof Drive East, from about the Near Island Bridge to the top of Signal Hill. City Manager Aimee Kniaziowski explained the need for the emergency repairs.

— (Council 1 30 sec "The current line is made from … another section also broke.")

Public Works Director Mark Kozak said the line broke on the 5th of this month and again on the 19th.

Instead of simply replacing the old asbestos line, Kniaziowski says the new line will just bypass it:

— (Council 2 19 sec "Their recommendation is that … has a much longer life.")

The project will be awarded without going through a bidding process to the Brechan-Pruhs (prooz) Joint Venture, which has already been hired by the state to pave Rezanof East from the Y to Monashka Bay Road. Kniaziowski said city code allows such awards in situations like this, where the project must be done quickly so the paving won’t be impeded. Kozak says he expects work to start around the end of this week and take about three days to complete. Traffic may be restricted to one lane.

Also Thursday night the council voted unanimously to support the lake fertilization program of the Kodiak Regional Aquaculture Association. That project is intended to boost salmon production in Karluk, Frazer and Spiridon Lakes by seeding it with essential nutrients. Councilman John Whiddon, who manages Pacific Seafoods, said the poor runs on the West Side have fishermen struggling:

— (Council 3 47 sec "I strongly support this resolution … to support this project.")

The Karluk sockeye salmon run has failed since 2008, and according to a white paper summary from the aquaculture association, the run is not projected to improve on its own until at least 2017.


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