Borough Unveils New Website


Jennifer Canfield/KMXT

A revamped website for the Kodiak Island Borough is part of making local government more accessible to residents. The biggest changes is the site’s overall look but the borough’s special projects manager, Meagan Christiansen, says certain features- such as digital versions of the borough’s most commonly requested maps- have been put on the front page of the website. She says the maps were already online but not easily found.

"We’d really like to make things convenient for the public. We’re hoping to expand on the maps that are available on the webpage and by bringing all map services on one page we’re hoping that it makes it easier for the public to find map information."

Christiansen says the website will continue to evolve as they find new ways make it more user-friendly and a more valuable resource for borough residents.

"We encourage people to visit our website and hope that they can find any information that they are seeking. It saves them a trip into the building, it saves them a phone call and they can do it at their convenience. We’re constantly trying to improve and always looking for ways that we can put the information on the site in better way."

Christiansen says that anyone can contact the borough to let them know what improvements or added features they’d like to see on the website.

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