Kodiak’s Only Home Wrestling Matches This Weekend

Jay Barrett/KMXT
The 37th annual Robin Hervey Wrestling Tournament is taking place here in Kodiak today and tomorrow. Kodiak will host Dimond, West Anchorage, Eagle River and Bartlett, with many top ranked wrestlers competing. Kodiak alone has eight wrestlers ranked in the top 6 in Alaska, including two at number one in their respective weight classes, Kerry Powers and Leo Sega.
Wrestling kicks (kicked) off today at 1 p.m. with Kodiak taking on Eagle River. Kodiak and Bartlett hit the mat at 6 p.m. and the Bears against West at 7:30.
On Saturday, the action starts at 9:30, and will be going all day, with the spotlight finals at 6 p.m.
This is the only home wrestling match this season for the Kodiak High School Bears.

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